By IPOB Writers 

Mr. Michel Arion, thank you for calling on the Vampire blood sucking Nigerian President Buhari to release our Leader of the INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF BIAFRA and the director of Radio Biafra. You know about the illegal detention and the frivolous unfounded charges made against him as well as his human rights being violated everyday in Kuje prison. Lol

All these said and done, may we bring to your attention the plight of we Biafrans; we have made several calls to the European Parliament, we have twitted and demonstrated in front of your Parliament bringing our situation to your doorstep. We are in a country where we are not wanted, killed and slaughtered in the streets of Northern and Western Nigeria and at the same time being enslaved and marginalized even with our own resources.

We are tired of being sacrificed for the so called unwarranted territorial integrity of Nigeria also the amalgamation expired in the year 2014 and at this juncture, enough is enough. We no longer belong to that contraptive environment because we value our lives, those of our children and grand children. We want an environment where they will wake up in the morning and feel safe and not be afraid of being burned alive shot at beheaded and butchered like a cow by BUHARI'S sponsored BOKO HARAM roaming around with automatic weapons as cattle herdsmen.

Amnesty Iinternational have just released their findings which supports all the complaints we have been levying against blood thirsty Buhari and his soldiers. See the fantastical tasteless response they gave. You know as well that this is the creation of the British and their propaganda apparatuses the BBC misinformation service and the Guardian Newspaper.

Please respect the wishes of the Biafrans by recognizing our determination of not having anything to do with Nigeria. Our lives are more important than the territorial integrity of Nigeria which has no bases to support its existence because the Northerners are the
Arewas with different culture and language. The Yoruba's are the Oduduwas with different culture and language. This brings reference to part of the old national! Anthem "THOUGH TRIBE AND TONGUE MAY DIFFER IN BROTHERHOOD WE STAND". There is no truth to that after one hundred years. Just reference the atrocities committed by Buhari against Biafrans in the past and just recently, none of these groups who comprised the muderers spoke out against these evils.

Will any European country endure such evil and unity? We do not want relief aids and refugee camps. Stop that now before it gets out of hand. Sendg our message back home to your Parliament and ensure that the following happens if you all actually believes in human rights and our right for self determination.

A. Buhari is not above International Law and legal proceedings should be brought against him and his soldiers. This is not his first, it is his trademark.

B. Your Parliament should put in motion our demand for self determination because we have met all the requirements and help bring into the United Nations.

C. All Biafran resources should be for Biafrans and therefore should no longer be owned by the Hausa Fulanis
Who controls all the oils wells in Nigeria as war booty.

D. Nigeria should without further delay withdraw all the Army Divisions posted all over Biafra land. These soldiers are murdering and terrorizing innocent unarmed civilians, killing innocent children and rapping women young and old. It more than meets the eye for such militarization of Biafra land to be happening in a civilian elected government. There are army check points some every 5 mile distance why? Those 3 Divisions should go and fight Boko Haram and not to come to Biafra land to kill Biafrans in the name of expired Nigeria. We deserve the right to leave Nigeria and call for referendum. Not to be dictated by a dictator.

Mr. Michel Arion, please use your good office to forward our request to your Parliament one more time

We Biafrans thank you for calling on Buhari to release our Leader, time will tell because he is deaf.



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