A. Why are the Biafrans the only ones that are constantly being killed in the North and West? ONE NIGERIA?
B. Why are the Biafrans the ones that have chosen to invest and live in the North and West but only to be asked to get out and go back to Biafra? ONE NIGERIA?
Now we are willing and ready to go. Oh, ONE NIGERIA STILL?
C. Why is it that promises made to some sections of the Biafra are not fulfilled? ONE NIGERIA?
D. Why are the infrastructures, logistics and industrial capitals nonexistent in Biafra? ONE NIGERIA?
E. Why is Nigeria a government for the Northern and Western Nigerians? Please before you start cursing, be open minded and check, the previous governments appointments and compare it to present governments appointments. Check the Army, Navy, Air Force and the Nigerian Police commanders, from The Commander in Chief down to the military sergeants, see their make ups. Also, check the composition of Army Division and Battalion officers stationed all over Biafra who is commanding them. ONE NIGERIA?
F. Why are the Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram causing a lot of havoc in all parts of Biafra land and so-called Middle Belt region and you have soldiers assigned to protect them? No war or state of emergency were declared on the Herdsmen who kidnap Biafran Chiefs and their citizens and butcher them in cold blood. These herdsmen are well armed as much as the soldiers. Why will NIGERIA order to shoot innocent civilians who were not armed with, gun, knife, dagger or even a stick. They were killed in Onitsha 29/30 of May 2016, Enugu, Warri, Port Harcourt and the famous brutal unprovoked February 9th Aba killings. ONE NIGERIA?
The Police and military commanders lied about it until the video surfaced.
G. Why are the newspapers that cover Biafran issues confiscated by Joint Nigerian forces and nobody is saying anything? Why are they prevented from listening to Radio Biafra? ONE NIGERIA? But the North have imperial foreign broadcast station The North and West have their Newspapers and they are not censored, why Biafra Media outlets? It is because the truth is bitter and the government will do anything to prevent Nigerians from knowing the crimes they are committing in Biafra land even as of time of this writing. ONE NIGERIA? Freedom of speech and expression have been grossly violated with respect to Nigerian constitution. Let the people listen and decide what the truth is.
H. The Chief of Army Staff Lt. Gen. Yusuf Tukur Buratai and Police Chief Solomon Arase were the ones who declared little or no tolerance on Biafran demonstrators in Onitsha in August 2015 and ordered that they should be dealt with or “crushed”. Yes the unarmed demonstrators were shot in cold blood for asking for their right and freedom. Their action was supported by President Buhari, who confirmed to the world that he could not stomach Biafrans. He also forgot that most of the soldiers that initially fought Boko Haram and got killed were Christian Biafrans who thought they were fighting Nigerian terrorists. ONE NIGERIA?
If the Head of State does not want a particular region, Why is he fighting to keep Indivisible and one Nigeria? I know the answer and you as well do. I have already pointed it out. But in case you failed to know; kill all as many Biafrans as much as possible and take over their land and wealth. The Governor of Jigawa have already proclaimed the ownership of Nigerian oil resources by telling the whole world that Biafra oil resources in (Delta region) belongs to Jigawa. What a nerve. The Biafrans are not therefore loved or wanted other than the wealth Nigeria derive from their land.
Why is Nnamdi Kanu still being held in Kuje prison despite being found not guilty and granted bail by 2 competent courts of jurisdiction? There is no respect for the rule of law in Nigeria, from the top to the bottom of the government institution. A president who is bloodthirsty, brutal, lacks respect for other people's opinion, sees justice only through his own eyes and every other person is irrelevant, a president who lacks intellectual ability, a president who does not understand the workings of international law and order as well as respect for humanity, a president who does not understand the workings of the economic system, a president whose lifestyle and means of communication is through the barrel of the gun, is the president that committed treason and not Nnamdi Kanu who only asked for his freedom and that of his fellow Biafrans. You are meant to be seen and not heard; this has been Buhari's order of procedure towards the Biafrans. Do not be fooled, give Buhari 1 foot, and he will take ten. Whatever he is doing to Nnamdi Kanu is the same thing he is going to do to other government branches whether you like it or not because nobody has challenged his actions since they are directed towards Biafrans as of now.
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