BIAFRA:The world most war genocidal, Yakubu Gowon, has once again, reminded us of our misery. I found myself speechless, and has been thoughtful, all these days, only searching for a good classification of his recent comments, concerning the First in command of Biafra arm forces and the first president of the United States Of Biafra, His Excellency, General Dim Odumegwu Chiukwuemeka Ojukwu, and the present Leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra, director of Radio Biafra and TV, the commander of the Biafra forces and the current president of Biafra, his Excellency, Prophet Nnamdi Kanu.
Without a doubt, former General Yakubu Gowon is duly known, as the master planner of the genocides carried against innocent citizens of Biafra. Pointing backwards, towards the time of that glory days, when our schools, churches, market places, and other social communities, where people should find safety were turned into bloody camps, war targets and winning advantages of the Nigerian government, which led to the death of more than 3.5 million innocent children,  and women.
History will never forget our hero and heroines that stood firm and vigorous, to defend the motherland. Despite the fact that our heroes fought on the defensive side, without a weapon, the Nigerian government believed that the war would last for only three months, but then they lied because the war was dragged for three long bloody years.

The whole fight began, when more than thirty (30) thousand Biafran men, women and children including newly born infants were brutally massacred in the utmost gruesome manner. It became an obvious case of a pogrom when the killing continued in Lagos and other parts of Nigeria. This development triggered an exodus as the Biafrans headed back home, in essence of taking adequate actions to stop the illegal killings of the Biafrans. The Nigerian military troop, coordinated apart, have already physically brutalised Biafran man.
Following the purported actions of the order of the then Head of State Yakubu Gowon, and his troops, the Battle line was drawn. The Biafran man having no weapon at his disposal retaliated using whatever he could lay his hand on, i.e., matchet, bows and arrows. Seeing how strategic and smart the Biafrans were, the blockade idea was invented from Britain, who has never been in support of Biafra. This strategy was used; as a result, both land, air and sea was blocked.
Children were starved to death, and diseases became viral. Through this aid, and the aid of other countries, like Russia, Egypt, Britain, the Nigeria government overshadowed the Biafran soldiers. This was never attributed to the retreating of the brave heroes; they fought as hopeful as they wished. In the end, no victory, no vanquish was declared. After recording a death toll of 3.5 million people, who were killed in cold blood.

What could authorise Gowon to call His Excellency, Dim Ojukwu a coward? A man that fought relentlessly to gain a hopeful independence for his people. A man that fought four different nations coded with arms, without any machine gun. It's quite amazing because history has never recorded of such war in the whole existence of man. Nigeria would not have survived it, if not for foreign intervention on their behalf.
Gowon also called prophet Nnamdi Kanu a criminal. That's the worst he could say. Calling someone in your custody criminal, without evidence, is an act of illiteracy, of no comparison. We challenge him to come openly and tell the world how prophet Nnamdi Kanu converted his belongings to himself. Thus is the only way to prove his accusations.
Irrespective of his ill-mannered approach and movements, towards the court case of prophet Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, he still has the effrontery to make such ill statement. Well, I will say, that he deliberately said it, to remind us of our assumed forgotten misery. We have not forgotten, because it's hard to forget, and mind you, we shall not forget them, not even when we finally get Biafra. The only way to heal this sore is to break this contraption called Nigeria permanently.
Oh, Chiukwu-Okike-Abiama, for how long shall your children weep? Our eyes are heavier with tears, and our hearts weighed down with a burden, our minds do skip at all little sounds, as though our enemies are closer to us. Our Tears water our plant, and our corpse now gives nutrients to the crops. Our enemies now mock us daily, and they keep on reminding us of our miseries, they laugh as though we have no God. Chiukwu-Okike-Abiama, look down towards your people and behold your people.

Because Gowon mocked us, we shall fight harder, as never before, to destroy Nigeria. He has reminded us of our misery; we shall make this earth, a hell for him. We come to them with the name of Chiukwu-Okike-Ahbiama. And in him, we shall emerge triumphantly. If his Excellency Dim Ojukwu is a coward, we shall make him proud, and we shall make him not to regret of his initial step. IPOB is only in existence because Nigeria has been assigned to fail, to break and to be dissolved.
Free Biafra, Free Nnamdi Kanu.

Emmanuel Precious
Editor Udeagha Obasi
UmuChiukwu Writers


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  1. This British puppet Yakubu Gowon is very hopeless useless man. His so called fake fraudulent British created expired Nigeria is already crushing on his head. There shall be no room for Islamazation. Nigeria is standing at its grave side waiting to be buried!!!

  2. War criminal Yakubu Gowon is angry because in his presence now, Biafra is coming to restoration. He thought he finished Biafra in his genocidal war against the Biafrans. Gowon will soon die with furry. Hail Biafra!!
