By Uzochukwu Timothy
My heart bleeds anytime that country's name is been mentioned...
A country that vowed that they must be disgracing its citizens around the world...
A country that enslaves its people in their fatherland since the civil war till date...
A country living in false pretence all these years...
A country that's governed by an illiterate whilst a Professor is the (VP)...
A country whose Sports Minister was asking what the Olympic team is doing in Brazil (Who send them there?)...
A country that the poor masses are suffering in the face of the rich,the nobles,the Chiefs and those at the mantle of leadership...
A country that have up to 567 different tribes but bent on selecting their leader within two of those till date...
A country with sentiment and tribal acrimony...
A country in-which their leaders grumble that there's no money to embark on meaningful projects yet they all have money in Swiss banks...
A country that corruption have embedded in all its fabric...
A country that it's citizens in every part of the world are engaged in dubious/illegal misconducts, this is the fault of the national government but why must you involve in such? I'm strongly against those...
A country according to statistics produces about 2,000,000 barrels of crude oil per day in the world market yet its leaders embezzle the money having foreign accounts in foreign land...
A country that it's national government doesn't actually know how many population they have because of their loose borders to their neighbouring countries like the Niger, Togo and the Benin Republic...
A country that the government of the day have won some of our brothers/sisters sense of identity and they no longer act like one because they've put a knife on the things that held them together as they have been falling apart...
A country that her citizens are struggling to establish themselves
A country that her citizens used to suffering and smiling...
A country that everybody in it are all comedians even in the mist of adversity...
A country by displaying of the passport offshore has tagged them criminals until proven otherwise...
A country that has been led into a deadly civil war that ended in 1970 where more than one million people lost their lives...
A country that is so great with huge resources but the leaders have made its own people become beggars and poor people...
A country full of confusion...
A country that openly humiliated, internationally inflicted with suffering, pains, physical degrading, torture, arbitrary deprivation, inhuman suppression to deplorable condition, jailed its people for the cause of their right/struggle to be on their own, the homeless, and secretly sent its own people to exile...
A country that doesn't value human life...
A country that is bedevilled with crisis...
A country that has been marginalised itself politically, economically, socially and otherwise...
A country that is the most populous black nation in the world...
A country that comprises of the three main ethnic groups like the Hausa, the Yoruba, the Igbo, etc. that have been denied their basic rights such as employment, when one is qualified but will be suppressed because of tribal discrimination...
A country that introduced quota system rotational presidency, a way to punish/marginalise a particular region in parastatals...
A country that the leaders embezzle, built Maisons for themselves and their children schooling overseas while their schools and universities are closed down annually due to salaries owed by lectures and teachers for months without pay...
A country where the elites/people doesn't know that according to law; any country that fought war after 30years are free to go their separate ways peacefully without embarking on another war...
A country that if I keep writing about its ill all the ink in the whole world wouldn't be enough to portraits my point...
A country that have lost its talented individuals to foreign Nations/First world countries including me and you...
A country if oil was found in the northern region, would have kicked & bid farewell to other regions without considering dialogue...
A country sitting on a gunpowder waiting to explode into different Nations but still forcefully held together by top government officials/renowned individuals and UN/Uk due to their own selfish gains in the oil sector...
A country so eager for someone to mention and one can be arrested or detained...
A country that doesn't need an explanation...
Awww NIGERIA is completely finished.
Edited & Published by
Uchechi Collins
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