Where is thy face? This is the question on everybody's lips which understands the magnanimous attitude this struggle of the restoration of Biafra has gathered over a period now. The federal government who faked the news about a self-acclaimed group claimed to have emerged from IPOB. These groups called TRIPOB and REBRANDED IPOB claimed to be having factions, not having the knowledge to understand that the struggle for Biafra restoration isn't all about the incarceration of our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. These self-acclaimed group should have known that this is because of our Leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu willingly gave up himself because his message about Biafra restoration has already been inculcated into every Biafran on earth. Now the BUHARI will understand that Biafra is not about Nnamdi Kanu because even after his abduction by the BUHARI'S led assassin in the decoy that they are DSS, which the agitation for a republic of Biafra has became waxed, stronger and formidable.
This has made IPOB to be recognised in the Guinea world record because before us; there was no such record in existence. During these events, the question on everybody's lips is that, "what other forms of deceitful methodology do you now need to continue to fail in your quest to destabilise Biafrans who are in high spirit"? Perhaps you should be well informed to know that nothing in this life will stop the actualization of the sovereign state of Biafra because it is a divine mandate from Chiukwu Okike Ahbiama. I am also bewildered by the BUHARI'S led assassin who have continued to incarcerate our leader Nnamdi Kanu despite orders from courts of competent jurisdiction to release Him unconditionally. They claim to practice a democratic system of government. Who is fooling who? You will continue to see evil as long as this contraption called Nigeria is in existence but be warned that the restoration of BIAFRA is what has been made to be, that is, it must come, no matter the setback it undergoes, in fact, it is making it even stronger and more formidable.
TRIPOB, Your actions has been prophesied before now by our leader Nnamdi Kanu and so you can't destroy IPOB family who is resilient in the restoration of our sovereign state Biafra. Be also warned that you would meet your doom soon. All hail BIAFRA.
Ezekwereogu John
Editor Udeagha Obasi
For UmuChiukwu Writers
This has made IPOB to be recognised in the Guinea world record because before us; there was no such record in existence. During these events, the question on everybody's lips is that, "what other forms of deceitful methodology do you now need to continue to fail in your quest to destabilise Biafrans who are in high spirit"? Perhaps you should be well informed to know that nothing in this life will stop the actualization of the sovereign state of Biafra because it is a divine mandate from Chiukwu Okike Ahbiama. I am also bewildered by the BUHARI'S led assassin who have continued to incarcerate our leader Nnamdi Kanu despite orders from courts of competent jurisdiction to release Him unconditionally. They claim to practice a democratic system of government. Who is fooling who? You will continue to see evil as long as this contraption called Nigeria is in existence but be warned that the restoration of BIAFRA is what has been made to be, that is, it must come, no matter the setback it undergoes, in fact, it is making it even stronger and more formidable.
TRIPOB, Your actions has been prophesied before now by our leader Nnamdi Kanu and so you can't destroy IPOB family who is resilient in the restoration of our sovereign state Biafra. Be also warned that you would meet your doom soon. All hail BIAFRA.
Ezekwereogu John
Editor Udeagha Obasi
For UmuChiukwu Writers
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