Is it a dream or a vision? How did the outlawed bunch of criminals who call themselves movement for the enslavement of Niger Delta MEND looses so badly?
SHOCKED by Dr Nnamdi Kanu's spiritual children who converged from everywhere there is life on this planet earth to REBUKE them vehemently for associating their leader with the Islamic hooligans led by a copyist and murderous Hitler Mohamadu Buhari.
The Ohamadike of Biafraland still being illegally detained by Nigeria government towers higher than the entire so-called army generals and heads of states of the ZOO called Nigeria both past and present.
That thing called Charles Orkah is a living LUCIFER who was accused of BOMBINGS in Abuja the zoo called Nigeria capital happens to be the leader of MEND.
All members of this internationally recognised Criminals have fraud and deception running in their veins, they couldn't extricate or free themselves after bowing down and prostrating to Satan in Aso Rock, they are still tagged CRIMINALS BY THE WORLD COMMUNITIES.
IPOB knew them many years back, no wonder they refuse to accept MEND'S overtures by adding the release of Nnamdi Kanu as one of their prime demand from the zoo government for peace in the riverine area of Biafraland. MEND is a disease that infects even the most righteous man.
MEND is likened to Absalom who wished to use brute force to chase his father King David out of his throne to ascend on to be the known and acceptable king if Israel. Everyone should watch, how the plagues of Absalom will befall MEND.
Absolom died to hang between heavens and the earth, his head did not reach heaven neither did his feet touch the ground, he practically committed SUICIDE which is an abomination in Biafraland as a whole.
God of Biafra, the SUPREME God, have rejected them while SATAN the archenemy of Biafra and the control of Islamic government of Nigeria has preserved the lowest pit of HELL for them (MEND).
Trying to warm themselves into the heart of Islam by coining the word NEGOTIATION and associating it with IPOB leader is simply laughable because MEND and IPOB who among who should rescue each other? Hence MEND is looking for a way of escape, and IPOB costs home mounted on eagle's wings. We believe that MEND has been used to nail Nigeria's coffin finally.
From the northeast, north-west, north central and south-west Yorubaland, everyone is shaking and trembling because of the unexpected emergence of Biafran sovereign nation. Can the zoo government Nigeria led by the Islamic jihadist, sadist, illiterate paedophile liar Mohamadu Buhari swallow his pride and release Dr Nnamdi Kanu and other Biafrans detained by the DSS who have become a laughing stock amongst the committee of intelligence gathering nations worldwide.
Delay in releasing Dr Nnamdi Kanu can no longer buy you ONE NIGERIA but will cause all Islamic Northerners more excruciating poverty and pain.
IPOB worldwide is gathering names of SABOTEURS in Biafraland; MEND is now the newest intake what a Shame? Others will be exposed in due time.
We the indigenous people of Biafra remains whom we are, unshakable and unmovable, determined to restore our stolen Sovereign nation of Biafra.
Benjamin Kish
Editor Udeagha Obasi
UmuChiukwu Writers
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