Buhari: The criminal and murderer
Biafra Choice Writers

Biafrans in United Kingdom have petitioned the country’s home office to ask that Muhammadu Buhari, Nigerian president, be barred from entering the UK. Cataloging the atrocities of Buhari from his birthdate till date they went on to ask that he be tried for all his crimes, many of them against humanity.
The Biafrans also went further by intimating the home office of intelligence report on Buhari’s plans to use some British officials to kidnap Biafrans from the UK under the guise of fighting corruption.
They also use the opportunity to establish that asking for Biafra independence was a legitimate aspiration, but which Buhari has resisted by using Nigerian Army to kill unarmed Biafrans.
The complete petition is produced below:

Dear Madam,
Request for Mr. Buhari Muhammadu D.O. B 17th December 1942 (President of Nigeria) be denied entry or excluded from the UK for Public Good.
We refer to the Home office policies with respect to individuals that have expressed views justifying terrorism in any shape or form. Further those with considered not to be of good character that ought not to be admitted, therefore must excluded for public good.
By way of background the above named records are summarized as follows:
1. On 17.12.1942 Buhari Muhammadu’s birth in Daura Northern Nigeria
2. In Buhari joined the Nigerian Army by enrolling in the Nigerian Military Training College (NMTC).
3. From 1962 to 1963, Buhari underwent officer cadet training at Mons Officer Cadet School in Aldershot in England.
4. In January 1963, Buhari was commissioned a second lieutenant, and appointed Platoon Commander of the Second Infantry Battalion in Abeokuta.
5. From 1965 to 1967, Buhari served as Commander of the Second Infantry Battalion and appointed Brigade Major, Second Sector, First Infantry Division, April 1967 to July 1967.
6. Buhari was made Brigade Major of the Third Infantry Brigade, July 1967 to October 1968 and Brigade Major/Commandant, Thirty-first Infantry Brigade, 1970 to 1971.
7. In July 1966 Lieutenant Muhammadu Buhari was one of the participants in a coup, led by Lt-Col Murtala Muhammed that overthrew and assassinated Nigeria's first self-appointed military Head of State General Aguiyi Ironsi.
8. Then Lieutenant Colonel Buhari was among a group of officers by Colonels Ibrahim Taiwo, who overthrew the Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon.
9. On 31.12.1983 Major-General Buhari was one of the leaders of the military coup of December 1983 that overthrew the democratically elected government of President Shehu Shagari.
10. On 31.12.83 Buhari assumed office as Miliary Head of State.
11. On 30 June 1984, Umaru Dikko was kidnapped following failed attempt by Buhari led Govt to extradite him from the UK to Nigeria.
12. In 1984 those that participated in the Kidnap received 10 years and 14 years respectively as the doctor and the shopkeeper were later sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment, the Israeli organizer of the snatch to 14 years, and the Nigerian military man to 12 years. The men lost appeals to have their sentences reduced.
13. In 2001 at the peak of Sharia induced terror that claimed nearly 2000 lives. He was quoted saying, "I will continue to show openly and inside me the total commitment to the Sharia movement that is sweeping all over Nigeria", he then added: "God willing, we will not stop the agitation for the total implementation of the Sharia in the country’’.
14. On 3.6.2013 Buhari was quoted by Thisday Newspaper saying, Military offensive Against Boko Haram, Anti –North.
15. On 15 July 2015 Nigeria vows to shut down Radio Biafra http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-33536252
16. On 28.9.15 Buhari advocates for rights to self-determination at UN Summit in New York https://youtu.be/LiflxlLloYM
On 23.12.15 The daily post reports reported that the Nigerian Army quickly buried the bodies of Shiites victims of extra Judicial killing in mass graves without family members’ permission, making it difficult to determine an accurate death toll, http://dailypost.ng/2015/12/23/army-killed-and-secretly-buried-300-shiiteshuman-rights-watch/
1. On 19.10.2015 Department State Security under Buhari refused to obey valid Court Order to release Mr Nnamdi Kanu IPOB leader (Please see the enclosed high court judgement).
Kanu being brought to court
2. On 19.11.15 the Department of State Security (DSS) under Buhari rushed to the Federal High Court and applied to secure an exparte order to further detain Nnamdi Kanu for another 90 days, in total disregard of the positive order by the Chief Magistrate Court for his release. In a deliberate effort to legitimize the further detention of Nnamdi Kanu, the office of the Attorney General of the Federation filed a six count charge against him and 2 other defendants including this time treasonable felony and belonging to and managing an unlawful association (IPOB).
3. On 12.3.16 Nigeria Stands with Breakaway Western Sahara. http://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2016/03/12/nigeria-stands-with-breakaway-western-saharasays-buhari/
4. On 6.3.16 Buhari was quoted saying by Vanguard “At least two millions Nigerians were killed in the Biafra war. And for somebody to wake up, may be they weren’t born then, looking for Biafra after two millions people were killed, they are joking with the security and Nigeria won’t tolerate Biafra.” Read more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2016/03/biafra-security-forces-killed-80-ipobmembers-rights-coalition/
5. On 9.5.16 Chief Femi Fani-Kayode former Minister and outspoken leader that condemned injustice against pro Biafran unreservedly detained by Buhari led Govt without charge till date. (With information about this pertition, Fani-Kayode was released last Monday, July 4)
6. On 10.5.16 Buhari was quoted saying, “for Nigeria to divide now, it is better for all of us to jump into the sea and get drowned.” http://sunnewsonline.com/no-biafra-under-me-buhari/
Biafrans killed by Buhari
7. On 30.5.16 the Nigerian Army under command of Mr. Buhari admitted extra Judicial killing. It claimed that in killing the pro-Biafra activists and wounding several others, its troops acted in self-defense as well as in defense of lives and property of peace-loving Nigerians.
On 30.5.16 many pro-Biafran protesters feared dead
9. http://www.punchng.com/several-feared-killed-soldiers-pro-biafran-activists-clash/
17. On 1.6.16 Nigerian Army we acted in self-defense over Biafra Day Killing http://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2016/06/01/we-acted-in-self-defence-over-biafra-day-killings-says-military/
18. On 10.6.16 Amnesty international confirmed extra Judicial killing of peaceful protesters by Buhari led Army. “Opening fire on peaceful IPOB supporters and bystanders, who clearly posed no threat to anyone is an outrageous use of unnecessary and excessive force and resulted in multiple deaths and injuries,” said Amnesty’s Nigeria director, MK Ibrahim. Read more at: http://www.vanguardngr. com/2016/06/amnesty-backs-biafra-groups-shooting-claims/ He added that “this is not the first time that IPOB supporters have died at the hands of the military.
19. On 8.6.16 Mr Buhari entered and remained in the UK on medical grounds. This among his countless visits to the UK.
10.6.16 Army killed pro Biafran protesters http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-36497380
20. Typical of IPOB organized peaceful protest in Nigeria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CYHDe6keHQ
Madam, the list of atrocities, directly or indirectly, associated to the above named are endless. Ma’am the incident on 30 June 1984 is too glaring to be swept under the carpet. We are of the view that it is not to late reopen inquiries into 1984 incident where Umaru Dikko was kidnapped in the UK soil. A close analysis of the whole points to the fact that ex-dictator Buhari is a potentials suspect in the crime. It is necessary for Buhari to be questioned under caution. We remind you that only recently high profile citizens are arrested and questioned by the Police on matters that are well over 40 years, we wonder why Buhari’s case is different. We are of the view that there is no time limit in indictable or either way offences. In R v Ipswich Crown Court ex p the CPS [2010] EWHC 1515 (Admin). The Court held that: ‘’Delays in arrest and charge are quite immaterial to that question."
Madam, UK prides herself as champion of democracy and rule law. UK Government romance with a reputable dictator is inconsistent with own policy. The Home Secretary is reminded of duty not act inconsistent with her own policy without known good cause as in Pekin v British Rail way Board.
Madam, Boko Haram terrorist menace in Nigeria are no longer news. About 50 out of 58 Catholic Churches in Maiduguri Arch Diocese have been destroyed by this group. The same goes to the Church of England
in the same zone. International organization offices are not spared either. On 24.12.11 St Theresa’s Catholic Church Madalla were bombed. Women and Children from mainly Biafran territory. The Nigerian Govt and indeed world intelligence sources accepts Boko Haram recognized Boko Haram as a Terrorist group. Over 10,000. Nigerians mainly Christians, and a few dissenting Muslims killed by the group. Her terror activities are known globally yet the Buhari justified her existence and supported them with his false alibi on the date above.
Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) resident in the UK and Europe are extremely concerned about Buhari’s regular visits to the UK and other countries notwithstanding his dirty democratic credentials, and eputation as a dictator. Mr Buhari has not changed his ways as evident in the way the Nigerian Govt under his watch has consistently disobeyed valid Court orders at times using fresh Charges as an alibi or bluntly refused to obey court orders
Indigenous of People Biafra fears IPOB intelligence reports has it that there is an ongoing plot by the Buhari Regime to kidnap some of her high profile IPOB members, sympathizers and other Nigerians in the UK. He has perfected this plans, he plans to use his misguided anti-corruption war as false alibi.
Uche Mefor
Notable in the list are Mazi A. Uche Mefor (Deputy leader of Indegious of Biafra), Mrs Deizani Alison-Madueke former Nigerian Petroleum Minister and others. Madam the implication of allowing Buhari and his “notorious Nigerian diplomatic bags’’ unrestricted access into the UK means aiding and abetting kidnap of Buhari’s perceived opponents. No doubt that Buhari is desperate in the light of the remarks credited to him on 10.5.16 as noted above.
Further money meant for this heinous crime are laundered via official channel as usual the Nigerian ‘’Diplomatic Bags’’. The Home Secretary of State for Department must act fast to protect UK residence irrespective of their status.
The intelligence reports also note that Buhari may use scrupulous serving officers serving under Home Secretary’s watch to executive his evil plans. It is interesting to note that this hatchet plans may have begun the since IPOB leader was detained. The UK Visas Officers have been applying different technics to deny IPOB members and other Nigerians who sought protection from them. It would appear to us that Buhari and his team may have infiltrated the UK Immigration enforcement. UK Visas Immigration and Enforcement constantly used s96 of NIA 2002 to refuse credible claims. See case of Stephen
Ugochukwu Ugwumba ( HO Ref : U1067070) for ease of reference. We understand that he was removed to Nigeria and handed over to the Nigerian authorities on 24.5.16. He is currently detained by the Nigerian
authority at unknown location. We understand that the officers often appeared with prepare questions. They rarely ask claimants when his/her fears began instead they assumed that claimants’ fears began the day he/she joined the IPOB so as to arrive at s96 certification or s8 adverse credibility findings.
IPOB claims of persecution are well-founded in that on 1.6.16 the Nigerian military admitted shooting of unarmed protesters in ‘’self-defense’’. Sadly Buhari led Govt have not set up Judge led inquiry into the alleged incident to determine whether ‘’self-defense’’ claims are sustainable or not. We say that self-defence is a trial matter that has to be tested before an independent arbiter.
Further continued detention of Mr Kanu and thousands of other in face of court order to the contrary is certainly persecution and not prosecution.
For completeness IPOB members fears began between 14.10.15 till date. This period is crucial to the struggle as IPOB leader was arrested and members on peaceful protest against his unlawful detention our leaders were massacred as Buhari ordered the military used live bullets on unarmed protesters. This approach continued unabated on even date. Members are hunted and killed like wild animals. It is disheartening and suspicious for UK Visas to be employing tricks to perfect removal rather proper scrutiny applicants’ claims.
We make it clear that prior to this date IPOB members have no cause to fear. The coming of the present regime prompted claims for protection. Before the coming of Buhari we have held so many peaceful rallies in Nigeria. We called on the Secretary of State for Home Department and her department to protect pro-Biafran group and her sympathizers as it would be grossly disheartening for another ‘’Nigerian Diplomatic bag’’
saga to happen in the UK in the 21st century.
IPOB intelligence believed that her members have been placed under surveillance by private agents paid by Buhari led Govt. The IPOB sources have it that there are plans by the regime to poison IPOB members by the regime. Buhari has cause to be interested in IPOB UK and Europe as his Govt attempt’s to jam Radio Biafra online Radio powered by the Indigenous People of Biafra failed. See BBC 15.7.15 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-33536252.
Further there has been confrontation between himself and IPOB members in the UK. Buhari’s led Govt case against pro-Biafrans, is this that Nigeria is indivisible and attempt to question Nigeria sovereignty via any means will not be tolerated. That attempt to use democratic means or UN approved rights to self-determination is treasonable felony punishable by death in Nigeria. It is instructive to note Buhari’s position on Biafran issue is contrary to his stance on Palestine, Western Sahara (Morroco)
For completeness the IPOB and pro Biafra’s case against Nigeria are summarized as follows:
The Colonial authority has no authority to amalgamate Northern and Southern Nigeria without recourse to referendum or plebiscite. That Biafra has been in existence before the British invaded our lands. That Lord Lugard’s girl’s friend and (not wife) named the area Nigeria. The 1914 amalgamation was done without consent of the indigenous people. Further if even it is accepted the British colonial masters have divine mandate to create Nigeria, the experiment is not working therefore federating unit reserved the rights to opt out.
Further the creation of Nigeria was meant to last for 100 years after which components units reserved the rights to opt out of the federation. That Nigeria and her leaders past and present have more than enough opportunity to make satisfactory progress in uniting the country or to make arrangements for her unity and progress. Sadly on even date no people oriented constitution, the 1999 constitution the Home Secretary constantly referred to were written by one man and not subjected to referendum or plebiscite.
Further no credible census figure for national planning. No national consensus. Further much talked corruption is a symptom and not the disease. All of these means that the country has no future.
We note the recent correspondence by cabinet minister in her Majesty Government. It is our view that the Great Britain has no grounds in siding the Nigerian Govt in the current struggle for Biafran Govt bearing in mind Britain is made up 5 nations each with rights to independence. Most recently the Scottish nationalist campaigned and voted yes or no to opt out of over 400 years union. Buhari’s approach is militarize our legitimate democratic struggle for self-determination as UN convention. No doubt Nigeria is signatory to UN convention on rights of indigenous people to self-determination. Her Majesty Govt attempt to supply arms to Buhari led Govt to crush the current peaceful agitation would be counterproductive.
Mr Buhari should be excluded on the basis he poses risk to the UK public. We accept that he visits the UK on medical grounds, however Home Secretary have always reasoned that there is adequate medical facilities in Nigeria. In any event we submit that his health issues is not up to the threshold of N v United Kingdom.
Further the United Kingdom have no moral right to continue to support Nigeria in the alter of maintaining colonial boundary when on the contrary she offered her citizens (Scotland) rights to vote in or out of over 400 years union. Further she offered her citizens’ rights to vote in or out of European Union owing to alleged bottle neck.
In the circumstances, we would be grateful if the Secretary for Home Department could please make an Order prohibiting Buhari from entering the UK. The Home Secretary is also invited to reopen the kidnap of Umaru Dikko to serve as a deterrent to others. Further the Home Secretary is respectfully invited to affirm publicly that Biafrans have right to self- determination as per UN convention.

We expect to be receiving acknowledgement from the Secretary of State for Home Department within 7 days and a complete decision within 21 days.


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