I will love Garba Shehu to enjoy this piece of mine and artificial Bishop Jonathan Eze to pay me for giving his ministry a much-needed advertisement. I understand that with more booms! Occurring every day, the Bishop might find it hard to survive; people that steal the oil and suffer or starve poor children as a result of pollution and oil spill won’t be able to pay their tithe or burnt offering as usual. There is need to stop agitation for a better future in Biafra because the Bishop needs to feed today. No publicity is a bad one; Jonathan Eze has a ministry and is a Bishop just as every other Bishop.
I will start with Garba Shehu, I don’t know if this was a plan, Garba Shehu gave his punch and few days after, Bishop Jonathan Eze gave his own. I am already angered that I addressed this man by Bishop, no; I will bring him to where he belongs, Pastor Jonathan Eze. Don’t criticise me yet, I am simply trying to bring sanity where we have lost one. It is a bogus title to open a self-made ministry and crown oneself a Bishop by inviting another Bishop to do that. This undermines the statutory and disciplined way of becoming a Bishop, for example in Catholic Church.
Garba Shehu and his cohorts lately called dying Nigerians wailing wailers, today he is wailing more than the wailers. Leadership in this contraption called Nigeria is a sense of godhood, a situation one becomes a leader and then does anything that pleases him. The pro-government journalists and media houses are under performing, and this prompted Garba to pick up his pen to teach the pro-government media what is expected of it. The boom! Is a serious issue of concern more than the pollution and oil spill across the Niger part of Biafra. This boom affects him more than the killing of innocent and peaceful activists in Biafra. Now he tells the world, the agitators are terrorists, they kill and maim citizens and should be killed. Giving a dog bad name before killing it, useless tactics!
He did not mince words, he was straight and definite, he told everybody, stop calling them militants or freedom fighters, and tag them terrorists so that we can accrue sympathy. Accuse them and blame them for the attack we staged in Ogun and Lagos, we need to first give a dog a bad name to kill it. Garba is thoughtless, we are not Amaljiris’ and can never be, we follow trends or monitor what is going on, Niger Delta Avengers are nothing but freedom fighters asking for the release of Nnamdi Kanu and restoration of Biafra.
They destroy oil facilities belonging to the corrupt government, which is also a way of fighting the corruption perpetrated by the sitting government. Instead of wailing and looking for what to hold while the government drowns, why not shift ground and accommodate demands. If you are not aware that the major demand which is the unconditional release of Nnamdi Kanu can stop your wailing, then you need to resign as a result of selfishness.
Avengers are holy warriors, fighting a just cause; they have never spilled blood, even the blood of hostile soldiers. They have not terrorised anyone, they are asking for the change you promised, we need change in approach and everything. You kill unarmed Biafrans carrying placards, you incarcerate peaceful agitators. Be sincere to yourself, having launched military action against unarmed and peaceful agitators, if you are Avengers, will you drop arms and agitate? Stop trying to criminalise Avengers; they are only giving the right balance to your lawlessness. Everybody will not be Nnamdi Kanu you can arrest and kill, as you are wailing, how does it taste?
You can write from now till tomorrow or pay more Biafra efulefus’ I assure you that Avengers will not be affected. Nobody is afraid of what will happen, your master has Northernized Nigeria, is he preparing for war? Let him come because we are prepared for anything, the battled field will be on the oilfield, and it would be a sweet oil war. You will not get any sympathy, two things are involved, it is either you choose war, or you choose peace by releasing Nnamdi Kanu. Buhari’s inactiveness is a weakness, not only is he weak, he is clueless and doesn't know what to do.
Garba won’t occupy Jonathan’s space, the spiritual warrior, Victory Assembly Ministry, Boko Haram are destroying churches and killing Christians, he could not fight, now there is a justified agitation, the shambolic self-crowned Bishop is out to fight spiritually. There is Islamization going on, Victory Assembly Ministry Bishop could not fight, a government facility is destroyed, and he prepares for spiritual warfare. What is exactly his interest in the oil sector; he couldn’t invoke the wrath of God on El-rufia for going against Christianity. He could not invoke the wrath of God on Nigerian soldiers for massacring Christians, and when Christians demand the freedom to worship God, he prepares for war.
I am not surprised that too many Bishops today rant on the pages of newspapers while real Bishops concentrate. My argument as always is simple; it is a reckless statement to have posited that you and your church will spiritually fight Avengers while you and your church feign ignorance of the root cause of the agitation. When a canal Bishop talks of spiritual battle on the pages of a newspaper, you understand that corruption has eaten deep into Nigeria. Today instead of pray for a solution to a particular problem, they pray for continuous flow of cash. Let us see how the prayers of money conscious Bishop will overturn the prayers of dedicated Christian.
Finally, the wailing Bishop can go on wailing and the wailing wailers’ originator can feel the pains of wailing wailers. Buhari’s peaceful approach is not cowardice just as IPOB peaceful approach is not cowardice. You kill IPOB and command your soldiers to shoot and arrest, why not command same soldiers to kill and arrest Avengers. We are starting to see that you respect arm more than placards and soon you shall go down on your knees. I am still of the opinion that this should be resolved once and for all, release Nnamdi Kanu and dialogue or hold him and keep going up in flames.
By Ifeanyi Chijioke
Biafra Choice Writers
You can write from now till tomorrow or pay more Biafra efulefus’ I assure you that Avengers will not be affected. Nobody is afraid of what will happen, your master has Northernized Nigeria, is he preparing for war? Let him come because we are prepared for anything, the battled field will be on the oilfield, and it would be a sweet oil war. You will not get any sympathy, two things are involved, it is either you choose war, or you choose peace by releasing Nnamdi Kanu. Buhari’s inactiveness is a weakness, not only is he weak, he is clueless and doesn't know what to do.
Garba won’t occupy Jonathan’s space, the spiritual warrior, Victory Assembly Ministry, Boko Haram are destroying churches and killing Christians, he could not fight, now there is a justified agitation, the shambolic self-crowned Bishop is out to fight spiritually. There is Islamization going on, Victory Assembly Ministry Bishop could not fight, a government facility is destroyed, and he prepares for spiritual warfare. What is exactly his interest in the oil sector; he couldn’t invoke the wrath of God on El-rufia for going against Christianity. He could not invoke the wrath of God on Nigerian soldiers for massacring Christians, and when Christians demand the freedom to worship God, he prepares for war.
I am not surprised that too many Bishops today rant on the pages of newspapers while real Bishops concentrate. My argument as always is simple; it is a reckless statement to have posited that you and your church will spiritually fight Avengers while you and your church feign ignorance of the root cause of the agitation. When a canal Bishop talks of spiritual battle on the pages of a newspaper, you understand that corruption has eaten deep into Nigeria. Today instead of pray for a solution to a particular problem, they pray for continuous flow of cash. Let us see how the prayers of money conscious Bishop will overturn the prayers of dedicated Christian.
Finally, the wailing Bishop can go on wailing and the wailing wailers’ originator can feel the pains of wailing wailers. Buhari’s peaceful approach is not cowardice just as IPOB peaceful approach is not cowardice. You kill IPOB and command your soldiers to shoot and arrest, why not command same soldiers to kill and arrest Avengers. We are starting to see that you respect arm more than placards and soon you shall go down on your knees. I am still of the opinion that this should be resolved once and for all, release Nnamdi Kanu and dialogue or hold him and keep going up in flames.
By Ifeanyi Chijioke
Biafra Choice Writers
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