Without any strain of doubt, the monkeys in the government house in various States in Biafra land are all cowards and hypocrites. I owe them no apology because those that voted them into power have lost hopes in them. We are now helpless and hopeless because those we fought for have disappointed us in all ramifications. These politicians are no more concerned about the well-being of their citizens because they want to please their master, Paedophile Buhari.
A governor is said to be the chief security of the state, therefore, should know that his citizens are secured in all aspects of life. It is so heartbroken that the southern governors are now eating the meat meant for them to secure. Who would rely on such group of individuals? Fulani herdsmen rampaged the communities of Benue, Enugu, Delta, Imo, Abia Igweocha (Port Harcourt), etc., killing more than one thousand people, comprising of men, women and children that committed no crime.
It was so surprising that none of these monsters who called themselves governors did anything to bring the perpetrators to book. The perpetrators went scout free as if they Killed animals. This is because the family members of these governors have travelled abroad, and those that voted for them have to pay the penalty of death. Instead of these governors to react, to looked on and shut their mouths because they would not allow their mentor to expose them of all the hideous crimes and atrocities they have committed, for this reason, innocent citizens were allowed to be slain like goats and chickens.
As if it wasn't enough, innocent protesters were killed in their hundreds and thousands by the Nigeria murderous security agency. The same administrators gave room to all these killings because they did nothing to protect their citizens at the initial time it happened. Even till date none of them has said anything about the unnecessary killings of innocent and unarmed celebrants, who were only remembering their past heroes. All these and more has been happening both openly and secretly and the said chief security of the States has done nothing to ensure justice and fairness. Can you do this in the North and go free? It's simply no.
Can't you see how useless and cowardly they can be? Even as am writing this yet another is to happen soon at IMO state, and I guess the mortuaries around are expecting more of these animals that will be killed by Herdsmen. These governors refused to emulate the Ekiti state governor who has stood fearlessly to defend his citizens. I love Him because he chose not to be intimidated by an illiterate like Paedophile Buhari. Southern governors are trading the lives of theirs with money. Therefore, all hands must be on deck to reject such act, because human is the beauty of life. The world should also note that our lives are endangered.
Emmanuel Precious
Editor Udeagha Obasi
UmuChiukwu writers.
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