BIAFRA One who does not know the phase yam in being planted with always excavates through the tail. One who is not present during one's burial always mistake the corpse feet position to head. When Biafrans cry out for a restoration of the Republic of Biafra, who may not know the reason may end up calling us selfish, criminals, arm robbers, kidnappers and what have you. They also go as far as instigating problem such as hatred, confusion, distraction and disunity among us. But one will always understand that perception cries little while reality cries aloud. The reasons Biafrans needs Biafra will never be over emphasised. Subjugation, killings, suppression, oppression, different beliefs and culture, marginalisation, deprivation, dehumanisation, setback, robbery, kidnapping, corruption, etcetera, are some of the reasons Why we want to go our separate ways. So many countries have encountered such problems and were successfully set apart without losing one soul. Resort to a referendum has been an avenue for a peaceful separation. Despite the articles that cover self-determination under Universal Declaration of Human Right, the world still keeps adamant over the killings of Biafrans by Nigeria murderous country. The principle of self-determination is prominently embodied in Article I of the Charter of the United Nations. It is recognised as a right of all peoples in the first article common to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which both entered into force in 1976. The right to self-determination of peoples is recognized in many other international and regional instruments, including the Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation Among States adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1970, 2, the Helsinki Final Act adopted by the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) in 1975, 3, the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights of 1981, 4, the CSCE Charter of Paris for a New Europe adopted in 1990, 5, and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action of 1993. 6. It has been affirmed by the International Court of Justice in the Namibia case 7, the Western Sahara case 8, and the East Timor case 9, in which its erga omnes character was confirmed. Also by the International Meeting of Experts for the Elucidation of the Concepts of Rights of Peoples brought together by UNESCO from 1985 to 1991, 12 Furthermore, the scope and content of the right to self-determination has been elaborated upon by the UN Human Rights Committee 10, and the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 11, and numerous leading international jurists. Mrs Bridget Agbahime's murder has turned to be a very critical killing that deserves attention for the call of separating Biafrans from vampires. According to Mr Odechukwu, a member of Mbaitoli Association in Kano, a young man came to Mrs Bridget shopfront to wash his legs for the usual Muslims prayers, and she appealed to him to go elsewhere to wash his legs as her customers are still in the shop, but the young man having ulterior motives, shouted Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, lying to his group that Mrs Bridget has blasphemed against Prophet Mohammed. Efforts by her Husband, Pastor Mike, who hails from Amaukwu, Orodo town in Mbaitoli LGA of Imo state and a Pastor of the Deeper Life Ministry, Brigade, Kano and other traders to explain to already stationed Muslim youths proved abortive.They dragged her away from the husband, according to the relatives that spoke with Hope For Nigeria, beheaded her and used her head as a trophy to parade around the market and the town centre. In so many accounts of pogroms than one, Biafrans have suffered and over endured all these unwarranted insults from Hausas and Fulanis just because we do not want war. Buhari has now to do what is right or expect an unbearable response from us. One can not beat one and expect him to keep quite. Our silence does not make us cowards. We are strictly working according to provisions of Law. But we may not wait for so long if International Criminal Court, International Court of Justice, the British government, European Union, United Nations, International Meeting of Experts, Amnesty International, ECOWAS, and other relevant bodies keep being quite over our request and killings of Biafrans. By Prince Richmond C. Amadi
Editor Udeagha Obasi
For UmuChiukwu Writers


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