Recent photos of innocent unarmed Biafrans killed by the Islamic army in Nigeria by the order of Mohamadu Buhari Monday 30th May 2016 the army started shooting them by 9-10am on that regrettable day.
Words came in about the intention of Germany to supply arms to murderous Islamic country Nigeria led by Jihadist Mohamadu Buhari as shown above.
This evil and unpalatable news are coming seven days after Nigeria government killed more than 150 unarmed Biafran protesters. The youths filed out in jubilation, full of life, to REMEMBER THEIR FATHERS, MOTHERS, BROTHERS, SISTERS AND FRIENDS ABOUT 4MILLION OF THEM MURDERED BY NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT 1966-2016. But unknown to them, they will become a victim of the same massacre they came to remember. The buildings may have misled Markus Elderer permanent secretary to Germany foreign office they saw in Abuja specifically, Aso Rock Villa where the Islamic terrorist Mohamadu Buhari resiides, the information was given to them are incorrect. Just one year after on the 29th of May, 2015 when the paedophile ruler Buhari came to office through a fraudulent presidential election, more than three thousand innocent Biafrans have been killed by a combined Fulani Boko Haram turned into hardsmen and Nigeria army. We the indigenous people of Biafra IPOB can never nominate anybody who has no significant stake in Biafra restoration project to represent us, many times such moves were being made but was also rejected vehemently by all IPOB worldwide. Mohamadu Buhari was nominated by terrorist Boko Haram to represent them in any negotiations with the then government of Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan in Nigeria; Buhari shamefully and reluctantly told Boko Haram that he was studying the situation and will not reject or accept representing them.
Now, if the German government want me to convince them beyond a reasonable doubt, HERE IT IS. IF BOKO HARAM IS KNOWN TO HAVE KILLED THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE IN THE PAST SIX YEARS, MOHAMAD BUHARI HAS ALSO KILLED THOUSANDS of innocents WITHIN ONE YEAR HE BECAME PRESIDENT OF THE ZOO CALLED NIGERIA. Before entering into a bilateral agreement in the supply of arms to Nigeria, did the German government make any investigation on the reported human right abuses by the government of Mohamadu Buhari? The answer is NO. I'm aware by books that WW1 and WW2 started in Germany, by a German, genocide which was committed by the leadership of the German army that made the entire world rise in defence of the downtrodden of the world then. Britain was one of the most affected, yet, they have the heart to join northern Nigeria Islamic army to kill 3.5 million women and children without remembering that if not America, there wouldn't have been any country called Britain today.
By the book, I'm also informed that a particular people lost more than six million of their indigenous to the German army. The same source told me that most of the countries in West Africa today was under the protectorate of Germany then. The victors of the said WW11 took over all the German assets and shared the states and nations amongst themselves thus leaving Germany empty.
Supplying arms to the Islamic jihadist Mohamadu Buhari to kill innocent Biafrans cannot guarantee Germany repossession of their colony. virgin nation of Biafra remain your best friend when her sovereign nation is restored. Whatever arms and ammunitions you supply to Nigeria will be used in killing Biafran to subdue them to accept the supremacy of Islam above any other religion they are practising. The Islamic world league has already gone into an alliance with Buhari's government as a coalition member country formidable enough to withstand European influence and military opposition in Biafraland.
Their explanation was that the coalition is formed to fight terrorism why in disguise they are the terror preparing grounds against European military intervention to save Biafra from Islamic onslaught. The activities of the iron lady the prime minister of Germany in accepting refugees from Iraq, Syria and other notorious war-ravaged Islamic countries are plausible, but that being what it may, why should her enviable leadership record be denied with unjustified arms shipment to to a dying country like Nigeria who have no other visible means of paying the debt than the stolen oil in Biafraland.
Do your research and you will find out that Nigeria is running a zero economy. Nigeria is not at war with any external nation, all it energy is channelled on how to exterminate Biafrans on the face of the earth. We want to be left alone to govern ourselves, as a sovereign nation, we want our leader and director of radio Biafra Dr Nnamdi Kanu and other IPOB detained by Buhari's Department of State Security Service DSS released when we are free as independent nation Germany will know that BIAFRA is a friend indeed.
by Benjamin Kish.
Editor Udeagha Obasi
UmuChiukwu Writers
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