BIAFRA I was in India between June and September 2015, I was made to listen and watch some video clips of Biafran movement and agitators all over the world, but my focus was on the leader the director of Radio Biafra maxi Nnamdi Kanu himself.
I watched and listened to him time and time again, one morning around 10 am Indian time when I paid attention to one of my patients at Apollo Hospital New Delhi, something struck me before we drove inside the premises of the hospital, I quickly told my driver not to enter but park outside and he did, having secured a quieter place devoid of vehicle loud horns and scratches of car tyres, and made a call to Biafra24 phone contact which I found on the internet first, I asked the receiver that I want to know about the young man called Nnamdi Kanu and his Biafran Restoration struggle that Iant a lot listening to him.
The first answer I got shocked me, the male voice said to me, don't mind him, Mr Kanu is parading himself about spreading hate speech and buying arms with which to wage war, listen, he is violence.
After listening with rapt attention, I thanked the narrator and informed him that I will get back to him within seven days, the narrator interrupted me and said do you have biro, pen or any writing material I said yes, he then said we in Biafran24 need money to run the radio and UN have already recognized Biafra and they have invited us. Please, this is our bank account number make your payment only to it and call me afterwards. I once again thanked him and dropped the line.
After my days work, I couldn't comprehend what I heard in the morning when I returned to my hotel with one of my patients by name Nzeribe, I told him about my encounter with one official of radio Biafra24. He said please sir, you are more educated than I do PIPER though I senior you, what do you expect me to tell you, we are all Biafrans and that is all I can say. I then told him yes you are correct we are all Biafrans and quickly bid him good night and retire to my hotel room.
From that night, I listened to Mazi Kanu speeches every now and then and said to myself how can somebody who want to wage war against the contraption called Nigeria and first went to the internet television and social media to announce to his enemies that (1) I am in America see me I am soliciting for arms. (2) Look I and others we are in Germany building nuclear warhead with which to come and destroy you. (3) In fact before you wake up by coming Friday you are dead. (4) Do not run to Britain because my mility occupies every street of England and Wales. (5) Aso Rock is now under siege by my boys.
As enlightened as the world is today not even the mighty nation of United States or Russia will attempt that.
That same night, I concluded that this young man must have something else going for him other than what he made the world believe about him. On my return to the Zoo called Nigeria what I saw the indigenous people of Biafra IPOB do their none violence protest, even in the face of provocation by the Nigeria state which u believe that is was a ploy to draw mazi Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB to arms confrontation and the more than the mature way they were able to contain the aggressiveness of the federal troops confirmed to me that Kanu has got something else going for him and the entire IPOB families worldwide than the use of arms to get Biafra sovereign nation restored.
I have the history about leaders who move people to achieve his goals, yet none have equalled mazi Kanu's medals torch with which he is gathering Biafrans all over the world to mount the same podium with him. Nations have started identifying with him, Kings and Queens are now calling upon the powers that be to give this humble and amiable young man what he wants. Presidents of many free nations are on his side, if diplomacy cannot allow them to come out openly, they are showing every sign that they are in support of him.
He flew into Nigeria, publicly, lodged in a Zoo hotel, waited until the kangaroo DSS came to his hotel behaving as if they have captured Boko Haram terrorist leader Abubakar Shekau who incidentally is Mohamadu Buhari's brother as a jihadist. The day Buhari deceptively told the then government of Goodluck Jonathan that he Buhari missed death by a whisker when his brother in faith and blood wanted to kill him, Nigerians sympathised with him not knowing that it was an arranged bombing.
Buhari has killed more than 1000 IPOB people within one year of his regime, if and Kanu is violence, whether inside detention cell or outside Buhari's prison yard he would have instructed the indigenous people of Biafra to go into arms struggle, and guess what, the story would have been rewritten. What I discovered again on why the zoo Nigeria government is still holding him is Dr Nnamdi Kanu's COMMANDING VOICES, it is captivating, eloquent, flourless and sweet to hear by Biafrans, friends of Biafrans and lovers of freedom.
The first time I heard that voice, I said this man must be as huge as General Odumegwu Ojukwu. But when you see him, he is a carrier of the Biblical King David stature and aura. No wonder Buhari trembles, DSS, panics, the zoo army scurried into the British armoured car while police became gentry only by hearing that COMMANDING VOICE OF THE NEW WONDER MAN OF BIAFRA. Buhari will do Africa and the world right by not only releasing him but by Compensating him as well.
Please release him now or your fear will destroy you going by Holy Scripture which says, THE WICKED RUNS WHEN NO ONE IS PURSUING HIM. Look at the little attack carried out by the Biafran freedom fighter known as AVENGER 50% of oil gas pipelines is blown into pieces, Buhari in his usual panic measures is now again tormenting innocent villagers, women, children and elderly kings. The zoo Islamic government of Buhari is only chasing shadows, release Dr Nnamdi Kanu so that Biafra sovereign state will be restored without further blood shed by Hausa/Fulani army. If you think that Biafraland is where the war if started will take place like in 1967-1970 you are then lying to yourself, it will be held at DAURA, KANO, KADUNA, SOKOTO, ADAMAWA, JOS, BENUE, LAGOS, KWARA, OGUN ETC. RELEASE KANU AND STOP THE IMPENDING CARNAGE THAT WILL BE THE RESULT OF THE SECOND CIVIL WAR IN THE ZOO CALLED NIGERIA.
By Benjamin Kish.
Editor Udeagha Obasi
For UmuChiukwu Writers
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