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Cameron and Obama |
By Tim Tochukwu
For Biafra Choice Writers
“Nigerian rulers are known to have always bribed foreign leaders to help cover up their atrocities in Nigeria. The American CIA should investigate their outgoing President in this regard; and the British SIS should do same to Cameron. This two men might well be looking out for a huge bank account in retirement.”
Early April, Barack Obama, outgoing President of United States of America (USA) tried to launder Muhammadu Buhari’s rotten image by declaring that he was doing a good job in Nigeria. That was a lie. Obama was being crafty by half. All that Buhari done as current Nigerian President has been to murder Biafrans under different guises; corner Nigerian resources and use it to sponsor his pet projects: Boko Haram and Islamization of Biafraland. That cannot be a good job.
Recently in England, before Elizabeth, David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, set the stage for his own laundering of Buhari’s rotten image. He declared that Nigeria and Afghanistan were two “fantastically corrupt” countries. Many people who call themselves Nigerians were upset with Cameron. Others thought that it would create an ugly encounter between Cameron and Buhari when they eventually meet at the summit. But they did not seem to know the reason for the declaration. There is a game between Cameron and Obama; to use every avenue to launder the man’s miserable image.
To be sure, Cameron had no moral standing, both as a corrupter of Nigeria and as Prime Minister of Britain, to condemn corruption in Nigeria. It was his country which corruptly created the abomination called Nigeria. The fact is that Cameron and Obama are the greatest corrupters of Nigeria in this modern age. It was the duo that connived to rig Buhari into office as Nigeria’s president last year. What corruption could be worse than rigging and distorting a country’s electoral process? Meanwhile, the man they rigged in was not qualified to vie for the office. He is equally a man who is certified corrupt by many governments before his current emergence as President. He is also a blood-tasty tyrant and ethnic/Moslem religious bigot.
Cameron and his partner in crime, Obama cannot tell the world they did not know all this. The reality is that Cameron and Obama were not ever bothered about the atrocities of Buhari. Allowing Biafra to still remain in Nigeria in spite of all the compelling arguments in Biafra’s favour; and turning blind eye to all the atrocities of Buhari against Biafran peoples is the height of corruption. Cameron and Obama standing by, watching and giving tacit support as Buhari continues to kill Biafrans, torture and jail them is also corruption. So they are worst corrupters of Nigeria.
Just yesterday, Buhari expressed his support for Cameron’s position, that Nigeria was fantastically corrupt. He said he did not need an apology from the British man for the statement, but that stolen funds from Britain should just be return to Nigeria. But how can he be bothered by what Cameron said when they were in league with the plans to launder their image? The plot is to play Nigeria up as a monumentally corrupt country and then set up Buhari as the only untainted super-star capable of fighting corruption in Nigeria. That way the world will overlook Buhari’s atrocities and play down on the case of genocide against him at the International Criminal Court (ICC), at The Hague. The world should not be deceived; Buhari is not only a corrupt individual, he is also a murderer, a pedophile, and religious/ethnic bigot.
It was good one of the neo-colonial hawks asked whether the countries coming to the summit would be doing so at their own expense. This writer will not be surprised if it is eventually proved that Buhari sponsored the summit. One is not unaware that Buhari has been seriously seeking world leaders to launder his terrible image. He is equally looking for forums where this could be done. So funding the anti-corruption summit of today Thursday, May 12 at Lancaster House, London, may not be a bad idea for him.
Nobody should believe any lie or stunt Cameron and his neo-colonialist cohorts will be telling and playing at the summit. People should just look at Buhari’s antecedents and see that he is not the man they are making him out to be. He is corrupt; a pedophile and a mass murderer.
What is in it all for Buhari and Cameron? It is a known fact that Nigerian rulers are known to have always bribed foreign leaders to help cover their atrocities at home and launder their images abroad. The American CIA should investigate their outgoing President in this regard; and the British SIS should do same to Cameron. This two men might well be looking out for a huge bank account in retirement.
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