BIAFRA The leader of the indigenous people of Biafra IPOB mazi Nnamdi Kanu has scored another remarkable victory against certificate forger, the Islamic ruler of the zoo country Mohamadu Buhari, even though yet to be released from illegal kidnap, maltreatment, inhuman abuse, torture, incarceration and prolonged detention by Buhari. The government of the zoo called Nigeria has once again demonstrated it incompetent, mafioso, brutality, abuse of human dignity, poor memory and itching ears due to Buhari's self-inflicted cancer of the ear drum. As you see this article, Buhari has flooded NKPO JUNCTION in Anambra state Biafraland with the zoo army, police, air force, navy, and more than a 100 paramilitary to intimidate, arrest, torture and kill the harmless indigenous people of Biafra who is billed to assemble there just to remember those Buhari and his Islamic army killed from 1967-2016. BUHARI IS A CHEAT. The land of the old eastern region has been washed with the blood of Biafrans with no exception of children and pregnant women. OBAMA'S HIROSHIMA MEMORIAL VISIT: Three days ago, precisely on Friday 27th May 2016. The Whitehouse, government and people of United States dispatched their leader President Barack Husein Obama to Japan, in MEMORY of the victims of nuclear bombs dropped in two separate cities Hiroshima and the town of Nagasaki. This bombs incidentally ended WW11 because Japan surrendered few days after the bombings. History has it that more than 210,000 people died in the blast these includes the American prisoners of war captured by Japanese, South Korean are also among the dead. This is what Obama said on the memorial ground where he played wreath for the souls of those who died to rest in peace Quote: we come to mourn the dead so that the children of this land will go through their streets in order. If the world super power the United States should travel thousand of kilometres away to remember dead foreigners, why is Mohamadu Buhari waging war trying to stop Biafrans from remembering more than 4million of their dead relations? What is he afraid of, since he and Islamic Hausa/Fulani and the Yoruba conspirators believed that arresting and detaining the leader of IPOB will bring to an end of Biafran sovereign state agitations, what is it that is frightening Buhari and his zoo government? The former head of Nigeria Mr Olusegun Obasanjo confessed recently that Buhari is a disaster in governance, Kano Muslims are praying to their dead Mohammed to remove or kill Buhari for them. The Yoruba south-west of the zoo is on their knees asking God to forgive them for supporting Mohamadu Buhari, even Ahmed Tinubu, who looted Lagos state in connivance with the former governor Mr Raji Fashola has also regretted, confused and lost for what Buhari is going to them in Nigeria. What is the army doing in a burial ground with AK47 Assault rifle, armoured tanks and a machine gun in NKPO JUNCTION ANAMBRA STATE IN BIAFRALAND? Buhari kept disgracing himself before the international communities, making a mockery of democracy and rubbing mud on the faces of Obama and David Cameron, who brought him to power. The United Nations must not be part of this mess in Nigeria. U.N must as a matter of urgency order Mohamadu Buhari to release The IPOB leader and DECLEAR THE SOVEREIGN STATE OF BIAFRA NOT LATER THAN 7working days from now. Come Monday 30th May 2016, Biafrans and all free nations of the world must follow the full steps of Obama in remembering the dead Biafrans, without further delay. We the indigenous people of Biafra is expecting great Britain to be the first country to congratulate Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and indeed all Biafrans for their independent, followed by the United States, Israel, Japan and Russia. THIS CAN'T WAIT for ANY LONGER IF THE REMAINING 50% OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS IN BIAFRALAND IS TO BE SPARED BY FREEDOM FIGHTERS BOMB, IF MANY LIVES OF THE ZOO ARMY, POLICE, NAVY AND THAT OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS ARE TO BE SPARED. No matter what may be the outcome of the Biafrans 30th day remembrance, we will remain none violence in our agitations, but will defend ourselves in the face murderous zoo Nigeria armies shootings of our unarmed citizens in Biafraland. Buhari has a chance of [either] announcing the independent of Biafra, or at list try his POPULARITY by organising a referendum. It will enhance safe neighbourhood relationship between the two countries Nigeria and Biafra. In conclusion, I stand up and bow down my head to the ground in honour of those who laid down their life for us today's BIAFRANS to witness the restoration of the sovereign state of Biafra THE KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH.
By Benjamin Kish.
Editor Udeagha Obasi
For UmuChiukwu Writers
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