Nigerian government has gone so wicked that they don't have regard for human life by sponsoring and promoting terrorism,they are importing grass from brazil and proposing national grazing reserve bill for fulani herdsmen which will enable them take every land they required in anywhere in the country,also building camp for boko haram term it "repented boko haram camp" nigerian government dwell in lies,deceit and corruption,which makes life uncomfortable for innocent people. muhammadu buhari has tried all his possible means to islamize nigeria through his effort and his counterparts el-rufai, boko haram and fulani herdsmen also removing christian religions knowledge (C R K) in our studies,making life uncomfortable for Christians in the contraption called nigeria every human beings are valueless in the eyes of nigeria nigerian government thats why fulani's have killed thousands and render thousand homeless and the president has not done anything about it rather they are proposing National grazing reserve bill for fulani herdsmen terrorist group. Over the years, different parts of the country have witnessed clashes between the pastoral Fulani herdsmen and local farmers. These clashes have resulted in massive loss of life, properties and injuries – mostly on the part of the local farmers. Of recent, the rampancy of these clashes have greatly increased and have become more deadly, case in point, the Fulani herdsmen attack on Agatu, in Benue state, among many others.

While the Presidency has largely remained silent on this wanton destruction of human and economic resources at the hands of these pastoralist, the National Assembly has began deliberation on a bill seeking to provide a grazing route for the herdsmen. The bill is titled: ‘An Act To Provide For The Establishment Of The National Grazing Reserve (Establishment And Development) Commission For The Preservation And Control Of National Grazing Reserves And Stock Routes And Other Matters Connected There with’. It was sponsored by Hajiya Zainab Kure, who represents Niger South constituency of Niger State.The bill was first brought before the 8th assembly but was rejected by the former House of Representatives. In its second outing, the bill has so far scaled through the first and second reading in both House of Representatives and the National Assembly and will soon be passed into law if it survives a third reading and is assented to by the President.
While Nigeria already has a pre-existing Land Tenure Act that has been used for several years, public commentators, such as Reno Omokri, have questioned the rationale behind the bill, describing it as an “an insult to all the victims of the herdsmen” and calling on Southern legislators to reject the bill. Here are 5 things to know about the contentious bill.
1) The bill seeks to institutionalize pastoral farming Although contemporary agricultural practices are moving towards more modernized forms of animal husbandry like ranching, the bill seeks to further the practice of pastoral farming by introducing grazing reserves and
stock routes around the country. The bill reads: “Fostering in the mind of the general public, particularly the Pastoral and populating the necessity for the establishment and development of National Grazing Reserves and Stock Routes with the object of developing a greater appreciation of the value of livestock and environmental conservation.”
2) Under the Act, a national commission for grazing reserve will be established The bill reads: “There is hereby established a body corporate to be known as the National Grazing Reserve Establishment and Development Commission (hereinafter referred to as “the Commission”). “The Commission shall be a body Corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal and may sue and be sued in its corporate name.” Furthermore the commission will have a chairman appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. It will also have a secretary, three representatives of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources; a representative of the Federal Ministry of Health; a representative of the National Commission for Nomadic Education; three other persons with cognate experience representing variety of interests.
3) The commission will have the legal right to take any piece of land it wants, in any part of the country Pursuant to a notice to the state governor, the commission can acquire and gazette any piece of land after paying compensation to the owner. However, the bill makes no room for refusal on the part of the land owner and failed to specify how much a landowner is entitled to and the parameters for deciding a land is worthy for acquisition. The bill reads: “The following lands may be subject to the provisions of the Act to be constituted as National Grazing Reserves and Stock Routes: (a) Lands at the disposal of the Federal Government of Nigeria. (b) Any lands in respect of which it appears to the Commission that grazing in such land should be practiced. (c) Any land acquired by the Commission through purchase, assignment, gift or otherwise howsoever.”
4) The attorney general of the federation must approve any decision taken in relation to possession of lands by the commission “No Court of law shall carry out execution of its judgment or attachment of court process issued against the Commission in any action or suit without obtaining the prior consent of the Attorney General of the Federation.”
5) The duties of the commission includes: (a) Designating, acquiring, controlling, managing and maintaining the National Grazing Reserves and Stock Routes established under this Act. (b) Constructing dams, roads, bridges fences and such other infrastructures the Commission may consider necessary for the purpose of the National Grazing Reserves and Stock Routes. (c) Identification, retracing, demarcating, monumenting, and surveying of primary, secondary and tertiary stock routes. (d) Conserving and preserving in its natural state the National Grazing Reserves and Stock Routes. This is the reason why mazi Nnamdi Kanu called nigeria "zoo" where they kill human being in other to protect cattle,they solve animals problems than human beings,a country were breeders has access to weapons and can kill anyone they like without been persecuted,a country were her government secure terrorist life. Biafrans are saying no to nigerian government ,they don't want to be in corrupt country where justice is no where to be found. Biafrans has said proposed national grazing reserve bill is unacceptable in Biafra land because it is a trick. Free Biafrans from corrupt nigeria because we are whiter than white and whiter than snow.
By Nwaiwu Chukwuebuka, 
Editor, Udeagha Obasi UmuChiukwu writers.


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  1. That is why the Jihadist Islamic Nigerian Government is nicknamed the zoo because Buhari and his boko haram Fulani herdsmen so value Cow than human being that they even worship Cow. Moo!!!
