I am perturbed with the rate of injustices raven its ugly head across this contraption labelled Nigeria by Flora Shaw, it quite disheartening that judiciary whose role is to uphold justice are deeply involved in murdering truth, oh my God the righteous are weeping, shouting for justice, descend oh Lord let thy enemies be scattered.
A man who did no commit any known and unknown crime can not be cajoled to secret trial by this ignorant judge, who rode to be a judge by the wheel of corruption.
Secret trial to world figure, a dodged freedom fighter, a man who is tested and trusted, a man who commands and receives respect, I mean absolute respect from millions of followers is not even dreamt of not to talk about coming into limelight of reality, we say, No, the sane people of the world should rise up to this occasion and say no to this human right violation going on in Nigeria, because injustice to one is injustice to all.
Verily I tell you, there is no smoke without fire, Justice Binta should be investigated, she has skeleton in her cupboard, she want to do the will of Buhari so that Buhari we spare her husband and son, the people of the world should take note, but we say no to this, Nnamdi Kanu is not a sacrificial lamb, Biafrans are not and will never be sacrificial lamb to Buhari puppet regime anymore, we stand tall on our demand for freedom nothing can deter it not even dead.
It is well understood that Justice Binta is a willing tool of Buhari to jail Nnamdi Kanu and undermine the Biafra struggle, she is just playing the script written by Buhari and cohorts, but I want to categorically state to her that this road she is trading has been prodded by her predecessor John Tsoho but came back in big shame, I firmly believe that Judge Binta's share of the shame been shared in Nigeria judiciary will be greater, because sooner or later she must have burry her head in shame, because I know the supremacy of evil over good is just for temporal. Truth must take its course no matter how long it takes.
Nigeria judicial system is a disgrace to the practice of the rule of law and modern day democracy, Justice Binta is a shame to the courts and an insult to an ordinary course of law. Moral decadence in Nigeria judiciary has gone beyond repair, even an angel in Nigeria court if there is any can not repair it, my honest advice to this misinformed woman is to toe the part of her immediate predecessor to avert an impending curse on her and her family. In case she don't know, we have gone to a place of no return, we can not because of the intimidation and harassment we get from you and your likes and pierce our goal, we can not because you weed all the powers and dwell on negativity of life and succumb to your intimidations, God forbid.
We all in one accord say NO TO SECRET TRIAL, THAT WHICH CAN NOT BE DONE IN OPEN IS EVIL AND DARK, and it can not be accepted by Biafrans, get it straight into your skull Justice Binta.
By Udodiri Kenneth Nwogu
Editor Udeagha Obasi
For UmuChiukwu Writers
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