As 71st sessions of united nations general assembly UNGA kicks off, the world bloodiest head of government will also be in attendant; his name is Mohamadu Buhari from Nigeria. A man who have surpassed Adolf Hitler in the number of people he killed, a man who owned up of his troops murdering 2 million Innocent unarmed Biafrans will be standing to woo the world leaders to support his Islamic murderous government in Nigeria.
I'll assist members of this noble assembly with hindsight on what this world enemy number one is going to ask you to do for him.
(D)Mohamadu Buhari will claim before the assembly that he operates the best judicial system on earth by ignoring a bail judgement handed over to his Islamic department of state security DSS by federal high court Abuja to release Dr.Nnamdi Kanu leader of the indigenous people of Biafra and director of Radio Biafra London who was kidnapped by Buhari's DSS unconditionally.Buhari flouted the court order, brutalised the innocent young man and plotting to assassinate him by food poisoning and torture; Dr Kanu is still languishing in Kuje Prison Abuja Nigeria. Buhari had just released the mastermind of Christmas day bomber in December 2011. His name is Alhaji Kabiru Sokoto he is walking a free man with presidential honour for killing scores of Christians on that faithful day.
(A)Buhari is coming to ask Europe and U.S to give him more money using his pet project Internally Displaced People in the northeast Maiduguri as a cover up, one could notice that for the past 6 years he was using Boko Haram as Islamic political tools to unseat a Christian President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe, Jonathan ,Obama and David Cameron helped him to achieve just that through the back door. Do not give him any money because he is already richer than Obama and Cameron who brought him by stealing.
(B) Buhari is coming to tell you that he is reviving a healthy vibrant economy he killed within 15 Months of his coming into power. Buhari again is banking on his Muslim Brotherhood Barack Husein Obama, and No10, downing street to convince the world for him.
Buhari has already appointed a skilful Biafran diplomat who will draft all his speeches and help him and his Hausa/Fulani Islamic jihadist to arrange their presentation to the UN because there is no single intellectual amongst all Muslim he appointed his cabinet members and defence commands throughout Nigeria. Buhari and his Islamic northern Nigeria believe that Biafrans are intelligent slaves who will always do the dirty jobs for them to enjoy.(C) Mohamadu Buhari will tell the assembly to give him a chance based on his good human right records to fill the council post as president. Buhari thought that we were still in 1967 when he was committing atrocities against Biafra while Britain stood in the gap for him blocking the United States and other world leaders from seeing and knowing about his genocides in Biafraland. Before he gets to the assembly, many leaders of free nations would have gotten wind of his murderous activities against Biafrans, yet Buhari is coming to take everybody in the assembly for a ride.
(D)Mohamadu Buhari will claim before the assembly that he operates the best judicial system on earth by ignoring a bail judgement handed over to his Islamic department of state security DSS by federal high court Abuja to release Dr.Nnamdi Kanu leader of the indigenous people of Biafra and director of Radio Biafra London who was kidnapped by Buhari's DSS unconditionally.Buhari flouted the court order, brutalised the innocent young man and plotting to assassinate him by food poisoning and torture; Dr Kanu is still languishing in Kuje Prison Abuja Nigeria. Buhari had just released the mastermind of Christmas day bomber in December 2011. His name is Alhaji Kabiru Sokoto he is walking a free man with presidential honour for killing scores of Christians on that faithful day.
(D) Buhari is coming to solicit for arms with which to re- arm1000 Boko Haram he reabsorbed into Nigeria army and DSS and sent to Biafraland to rape women, kill innocent Biafrans in the name of one Nigeria.
He that takes human life has no right to life himself, and Mohamadu Buhari has committed unforgivable sins in Biafraland therefore, no amount of lies he tells in this 71st general assembly will make Biafrans accept being a Nigeria again.
As everyone knows, adapt your duty as your tasks according to UN charter is peacekeeping and humanitarian development programs 1945 but on 17th November 2013 sixty-eight general assembly third come adopted the right to self-determination SND decolonization of the indigenous people worldwide.
In the above charter, the self-determination becomes an integral element of fundamental human rights and fundamental freedom, thereby eliminating racism, racial discrimination and intolerance of other tribes, language and culture.
The entire Arab-Islamic world agreed that self-determination is a core issue, but the terrorist jihadist Islamic government of Mohamadu Buhari insisted that Biafrans has no such right that it is either Biafrans accept the British Islamic government imposed on all tribes throughout Nigeria in 1914 by LordLugard or he will kill the remnants that survived the genocides in 2967-1970.
As you read this, Buhari has flooded Biafraland with Islamic army, murder and ready to shoot.In 1967, Israel made it clear to the whole Arab world that peace could not be negotiated outside, that only the two contending nations have to sit together and find the right way to create boundaries of each country living next to each other.In the same 1967 general Chukwu Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu tried to follow this noble part of peace but was rebuffed by this same Islamic northern Nigeria oligarchy thus forcing Ojukwu to declare the republic of Biafra, 2013 UN charter on self-determination was not in place then, thus enabling the then super powers Russia, all the Arab Islamic world led by the United Kingdom levied war against the young republic of Biafra,with food blockades and international conspiracy murdered close to 4 million innocent Biafran women, children and none combatants, they could not defeat BIAFRAN'S elite army making the war to last as long as 3years making the super powers well equipped military to scamper for safety. The war ended, not in the battlefield but the kitchen because the young nation has no enough good to feed her teaming population.
From 1970-2016 the war ended the entire 12 clans that made up Biafra apart from those millions lost during the war, has been subjected to slavery as conquered people, our land is trodden under foot of Islamic politicians sharing all the oil wells in Biafraland amongst themselves. Every progressive policy of Nigeria government is to wipe out Biafrans from the face of the earth.
We are 95% Christians, and wish to be left alone to govern ourselves like other free nations in the land.
We have found solace in 2013 United Nations charter on human right, and self-determination but the Islamic government led by Mohamadu Buhari refused to discuss bands demarcation and sharing of our commonwealth, instead chose to to go the old way believing the Britain and the whole world will once again roll their army and make an utter end of what is remaining in Biafraland by total extermination.
We demand the release of the indigenous people of Biafra IPOB and the over 2000 thousand Biafrans illegally arrested and detained in various prisons in Nigeria.
The evil being committed by Mohamadu Buhari through his Islamic army, Police, DSS. Fulani herdsmen in Biafraland is better imagined than experienced.
History becomes on this honourable assembly as a matter of responsibility to prevail on Mohamadu Buhari to release our leader Dr Nnamdi Kanu and others with him.
As Buhari stand to address the assembly, ask him what is the meaning of human right? And to flattened him, ask him what SELF-DETERMINATION is?
We have come a long way paying the unprecedented price of freedom we deserve to be free as an independent nation.
By Benjamin Kish.
Editor Udeagha Obasi
For UmuChiukwu Writers
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